The operators for their remote assult robots act like it's a boring videogame ("Finally I'm dead, now I can get a coffee"), the nanite-infused NOA soldiers are given no equipment and are left to kill hoards of mutants barehanded (sure they have superstrength and armor but give the poor guys a grenade or 2 at least), and not only does no one seem to bother using any kind of tactics but in the end when they start, they get arrested for it (for disobaying orders, yes. Their dedication is aparent by the way no one seems to care how it all turns out. is responcible for containing outbreaks and keeping the whole thing secret from the world. so the only way to deal with an outbreak is to seal the area and kill all the infected. Mediocre story, stale characters, and glaring holes in logic have done their damage.Īt some point in the past (at least 1 year ago tho no time frame is given) a meteor fell to earth releasing an alien virus that causes the infected to turn into rampaging mutant monsters, infecting anyone they touch. The second half begins to redeem the show but it's already too late. Not defective thought like some animes, no half-baked explanations of convienient plot twists, but a nearly complete lack of interest on the part of the writers. And to those who don't, it's only 4 episodes.you might as well watch it too To all those who enjoy an action anime I suggest you watch it.
We were here together alchemist plus#
Plus the sound fit in well and I enjoyed it.still I'm bummed it was only 4 episodes. Plus, how things came to be are never explained in detail and it seems like the plot was rushed.Ĭonsidering the anime was only 4 episodes I thought they did a pretty good job with character development and the character art suited my taste.
We were here together alchemist series#
Seeing as it was only a 4 episode series they could only hint upon different things that could have happened. However, this story takes place after people have been infected and people have already been created to destroy the infected beings. This could have been a really good series if they wanted to make it a 12-13 episode series and started from the beginning. Unfortunately, I can't help having a sense that I was robbed.

you're waiting for your ongoing anime to be posted.

Overall, the series is worth watching considering it's only 4 episodes and can be watched while They also decided to stick in a bit of romance which is basically a love at first site ordeal.

The story must also take place in the future because they have warriors using nano-technology and mecha-type machines to fight against these mutated humans. So basically this is very similar to the Resident Evil theme. Zaion is a basically a story about a meteorite which landed on Earth containing an alien virus that has begun infecting humans.